We are proud to announce that CC1 v2.0 is now available in our repository. HTTP API, higher efficiency and system source reimplemented to Django – those are some of the major changes when compared to v1.7. Another great news is that installation procedure (via DEB packages) is now as easy as a pie.
DEB repository may be added by appending following line to sources.list:
deb http://cc1.ifj.edu.pl/packages/ wheezy main
We encourage to familiarize with installation guide.
22 February 2014 one may learn how to create own computing cloud with CC1 system. Maciek Nabożny is going to show how to install, configure and use CC1 software. Workshop language is Polish.
Read more on careercon.pl!
Once again we kindly invite you for a talk about Cracow Cloud One initiative during “Targi Kariera IT”. Next Saturday there will be possibility to find out what Cloud Computing is all about and to get to know the Polish Open-Source cloudish project, which is CC1. We are welcome!
More about event at careercon.pl/karierait/2014/warszawa.
CC1 team works hard on the new software version – v.2.0.
What’s new in the upcoming version? Most of all – CC1 system is going to be based on Django web-application framework. Source code is going to be better organized and should exhibit easy-to-use API available via HTTP. This makes it possible to extend collection of the tools designed to manage system (like web-browser app or EC2-compatible interface) with new options (like OCCI) in the future.
Installation procedure will get more pleasant for users whose OS of choice is Ubuntu or other Debian-based system. Scripts to create deb packages are being created.
User interface isn’t expecting any major changes. There several cosmetic changes introduced to enhance comfort of system usage.
Today we launch new version of our site. We hope that access to published materials will be even more convenient, and news section will provide up-to-date information about interesting things that happen in the project.
CC1 Team