cc1  v2.1
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src.common.states Namespace Reference

Dictionaries of the states' numbers and messages: More...


dictionary available_network_states
dictionary cluster_states
dictionary command_states
dictionary ec2names
dictionary farm_states
dictionary group_states
dictionary image_access
dictionary image_platforms
dictionary image_states
dictionary image_types
dictionary lease_states
dictionary message_levels
dictionary node_states
dictionary registration_states
dictionary stat_names
dictionary stat_ranges
dictionary stat_resolutions
dictionary stat_units
dictionary storage_states
dictionary template_states
dictionary user_active_states
dictionary vm_states
dictionary vnc_states

Detailed Description

Dictionaries of the states' numbers and messages:

  • vm_states dictionary,
  • farm_states dictionary,
  • node_states dictionary,
  • vnc_states dictionary,
  • lease_states dictionary,
  • template_states dictionary,
  • image_type dictionary,
  • image_access dictionary,
  • image_states dictionary,
  • image_platforms dictionary,
  • filesystems dictionary,
  • filesystems_inv dictionary,
  • group_states dictionary,
  • cluster_states dictionary,
  • message_levels dictionary,
  • storage_states dictionary.

Variable Documentation

dictionary src.common.states.available_network_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'ok': 0,
3  'locked': 1,
4  }

Definition at line 167 of file

dictionary src.common.states.cluster_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'ok': 0,
3  'locked': 1
4  }

Definition at line 136 of file

dictionary src.common.states.command_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'pending': 0,
3  'executing': 1,
4  'failed': 2,
5  'timeout': 3,
6  'finished': 4
7 }

Definition at line 218 of file

dictionary src.common.states.ec2names
Initial value:
1 {
2  'unassigned': 0,
3  'm1.small': 1,
4  'm1.medium': 2,
5  'm1.large': 3,
6  'm1.xlarge': 4,
7  'm1.micro': 5,
8  'c1.medium': 6,
9  'c1.xlarge': 7,
10  'm2.xlarge': 8,
11  'm2.2xlarge': 9,
12  'm2.4xlarge': 10,
13  'cc1.4xlarge': 11,
14  'cg1.4xlarge': 12,
15 }

Definition at line 151 of file

dictionary src.common.states.farm_states
Initial value:
1 {'init': 0,
2  'init_head': 1, # head is running, without ctx, wn are only in db
3  'init_nodes': 2, # head ctx called, wn are now copied
4  'running': 3,
5  'closing': 4,
6  'closed': 5,
7  'failed': 6,
8  'unconfigured': 7, # could not generate ssh key, or update hosts\
9  'nodes_copied': 8,
10  'saving_head': 9,
11  }

Definition at line 57 of file

dictionary src.common.states.group_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'waiting': 0,
3  'ok': 1,
4  'not member': 2
5  }

Definition at line 123 of file

dictionary src.common.states.image_access
Initial value:
1 {
2  'private': 0,
3  'public': 1,
4  'group': 2
5  }

Definition at line 99 of file

dictionary src.common.states.image_platforms
Initial value:
1 {
2  'unknown': 0,
3  'linux': 1,
4  'unix': 2,
5  'windows': 3,
6  'mac os': 4,
7  'other': 5
8  }

Definition at line 114 of file

dictionary src.common.states.image_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'ok': 0,
3  'locked': 1,
4  'adding': 2,
5  'failed': 3,
6  'unavailable': 4,
7  'formatting': 5
8  }

Definition at line 105 of file

dictionary src.common.states.image_types
Initial value:
1 {
2  'cd': 0,
3  'storage': 1,
4  'vm': 2
5  }

Definition at line 93 of file

dictionary src.common.states.lease_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'free': 0,
3  'used': 1
4  }

Definition at line 83 of file

dictionary src.common.states.message_levels
Initial value:
1 {
2  'error': 0,
3  'warn': 1,
4  'info': 2
5  }

Definition at line 140 of file

dictionary src.common.states.node_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'init': 0,
3  'ok': 1,
4  'locked': 2,
5  'deleted': 3,
6  'storage_lock': 4,
7  'offline': 5,
8  }

Definition at line 69 of file

dictionary src.common.states.registration_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'completed': 0,
3  'mail_confirmation': 1,
4  'admin_confirmation': 2,
5  'error': 3,
6  }

Definition at line 172 of file

dictionary src.common.states.stat_names
Initial value:
1 {
2  'cpu_time': 0,
3  'rd_req': 1,
4  'rd_bytes': 2,
5  'wr_req': 3,
6  'wr_bytes': 4,
7  'rx_bytes': 5,
8  'rx_packets': 6,
9  'tx_bytes': 7,
10  'tx_packets': 8,
11  }

Definition at line 189 of file

dictionary src.common.states.stat_ranges
Initial value:
1 {
2  '3600': 0, # 1h
3  '21600': 1, # 6h
4  '43200': 2, # 12h
5  '86400': 3, # 1 day
6  '604800': 4, # 1 week
7  '2592000': 5, # 1 month
8  '31536000': 6, # 1 year
9  }

Definition at line 201 of file

dictionary src.common.states.stat_resolutions
Initial value:
1 {
2  '10': 0,
3  '60': 1, # 1 min
4  '300': 2, # 5 min
5  '900': 3, # 15 min
6  '3600': 4, # 1 h
7  '86400': 5, # 24 h
8  '604800': 6, # 7 days
9  }

Definition at line 179 of file

dictionary src.common.states.stat_units
Initial value:
1 {
2  'bytes': 0,
3  'time': 1,
4  'ops': 2,
5  'num': 3,
6  }

Definition at line 211 of file

dictionary src.common.states.storage_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'ok': 0,
3  'locked': 1
4  }

Definition at line 146 of file

dictionary src.common.states.template_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'active': 0,
3  'deleted': 1
4  }

Definition at line 88 of file

dictionary src.common.states.user_active_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'inactive': 0,
3  'email_confirmed': 1,
4  'ok': 2,
5  'blocked': 3
6  }

Definition at line 129 of file

dictionary src.common.states.vm_states
Initial value:
1 {'init': 0,
2  'running': 1,
3  'closing': 2,
4  'closed': 3,
5  'saving': 4,
6  'failed': 5,
7  'saving failed': 6,
8  'running ctx': 7,
9  'restart': 8,
10  'suspend': 9,
11  'turned off': 10,
12  'erased': 11,
13  'erasing': 12
14  }

Definition at line 42 of file

dictionary src.common.states.vnc_states
Initial value:
1 {
2  'detached': 0,
3  'attached': 1
4  }

Definition at line 78 of file