
Demo version

A demo version is available as a virtual machine image for popular hypervisors. The demo version has full functionality in a single virtual machine that acts both as a cloud controller and worker node on which an example virtual machine can be run.

Instruction on launching CC1 demo version

Recommended RAM size – 2 GB and dualcore processor


  1. Boot from Live-CD
  2. Start Web browser. Home page is set to CC1 system login.
  3. Log into CC1 system, user: cc1 password: cc1

VMWare image

  1. Install VMWare Player
  2. Unpack archive into local disk
  3. Enter cc1demo directory and start virtual machine by clicking on Debian7b4srv.vmx.
  4. Log into virtual machine, user: root, password: cc1
  5. Start Web browser. Home page is set to CC1 system login.
  6. Log into CC1 system, user: cc1 password: cc1