Demo version
A demo version is available as a virtual machine image for popular hypervisors. The demo version has full functionality in a single virtual machine that acts both as a cloud controller and worker node on which an example virtual machine can be run.
Instruction on launching CC1 demo version
Recommended RAM size – 2 GB and dualcore processor
- Boot from Live-CD
- Start Web browser. Home page is set to CC1 system login.
- Log into CC1 system, user: cc1 password: cc1
VMWare image
- Install VMWare Player
- Unpack archive into local disk
- Enter cc1demo directory and start virtual machine by clicking on Debian7b4srv.vmx.
- Log into virtual machine, user: root, password: cc1
- Start Web browser. Home page is set to CC1 system login.
- Log into CC1 system, user: cc1 password: cc1